Those who are in the field of education, they have witnessed a drastic change in the present socio – economic field which has left indelible impact on the mind of school going children. Being global in all spheres, one could predict what legacy we have to create for the future inheritors of our country. As we all know that next generation may be global citizens where all boundaries would cease therefore world would be preferring citizens of wider perspective and catholic attitude. Today we need that system of education where technology support the children of today so that they may strategically plan themselves to become global citizens of tomorrow. Important areas like the emotional and the spiritual well being that were taken care at home, have now come under the direct purview of the school besides the usual traditional ones. The focus is turned towards value education, soft skills development, leadership training , the art of self governance , crisis management and so on. There is a revolution in class room management also which needs pedagogical support clubbed with IT and allied media. For all round development of the children parent’s cooperation along with the school is also inevitable. DAV Public Schol Dehra is putting perennial efforts to ignite the impressionable young minds to adjust and adapt the emerging social, emotional and global needs. To provide them value based education, to liberate from the shackles of fear, ignorance, prejudice and unfounded beliefs. To make the students well informed, articulate and confident human beings, ready to serve humanity by adopting the path कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम् shown by great visionary leader Swami Dayanand Saraswati.